Flowers via Direct2florist in Australia

374 Sawyers Arms Road, Harewood, Christchurch, 8051, Australia -

4.73 out of 5 based on 211 user ratings

(211 reviews) 97.30% positive

Coffin And Casket Floral (Red)

Order within > 42 hours and 19 minutes > for delivery on MONDAY in Australia

Coffin And Casket Floral (Red)

Coffin spray made in Reds and Creams. Please advise the florist if you would prefer an alternate colour scheme. Comes in 3 sizes 3ft, 4ft, 5ft

Important delivery time message! This item needs 1 working day prior notice to delivery. It is not possible to make and deliver an item like this same day.

Choose Size & Price:
Minimum: A$245.00
Where and when are you sending your flowers?
Your delivering florist for this order will be:

Octagon Flowers

6,3 Plodder Lane, Bolton, Greater Manchester, Bl4 OEX


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